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The Euler Identity gets a new old friend
The most famous equation in mathematics

The Euler identity is well known among math buffs as the best example of mathematical beauty, connecting in a brief equation several fundamental numbers, among them (list from Wikipedia):
- The number 0, the additive identity.
- The number 1, the multiplicative identity.
- The number π (π = 3.1415…), the fundamental circle constant.
- The number e (e = 2.718…), also known as Euler’s number..
- The number i, the imaginary unit of the complex numbers.
Since my university days I always liked to rewrite formulas in order to make them more “rythmic”, with more patterns to latch on in order to be able to remember them.
Patterns arise in many equations, particulary in infinite expressions, and many find a sense of beauty and fun in those patterns. It is fun for example to calculate square roots or the closest integer fraction to a irrational number using only addition and division tricking continued fractions.
So as a result of all this amateurish interest, I present to you here a rewrite of the Euler identity that while making literally nothing to advance the status of mathematics, it may enhance the nerdiness value of some Euler Identity themed T-shirts:

You may wonder, what is the novelty?
So now we have 0, 1, e, i, π, and ∞ , infinite, joins the party!!
And why waste anyone’s time with the Euler identity as an infinite expression? Paraphrasing Malory: “I had to write it because it is there”
You will know you found the final nerd when you see someone wearing something like this on a T-shirt (hopefully with a closer ressemblance to a zero that what I got on PowerPoint):

What would be next?
Shape it like the infinity symbol on a 3-D Möbius strip of course!! :)