New userspace Rust implementation of Wireguard forked, AltunTun

Once a upon a time there was a boring tun…

Vicente Aceituno Canal
2 min readJun 29, 2024
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

There are some userspace implementations of Wireguard, among them:

  • wireguard-go: A cross-platform userspace implementation of WireGuard in Go, maintained by Jason A. Donenfeld.
  • wireguard-rs: A cross-platform high-performance userspace implementation of WireGuard in Rust, maintained by Mathias Hall-Andersen.
  • BoringTun: A non-compliant, independent WireGuard implementation written in Rust by Cloudflare.
  • wireguard-android: The Android client of WireGuard, maintained by Jason A. Donenfeld and Harsh Shandilya.
  • wireguard-apple: The macOS and iOS client of WireGuard, maintained by Jason A. Donenfeld.
  • wireguard-windows: The Windows client of WireGuard, maintained by Jason A. Donenfeld and Simon Rozman.
  • wireguard-nt: The WireGuard implementation for the Windows NT kernel, maintained by Jason A. Donenfeld and Simon Rozman.

I created Cableguard (Wireguard + Blockchain authentication) using Boringtun as a starting point. While it proved very useful, I found some problems with Boringtun:

  • When BoringTun can´t create the file boringtun.out when starting…

